KOBK specializes in captivating audiences all around the world. From trained US Air Force men and women, to volunteers at church, KOBK knows how to bring the message home to promote positive change and achieve the end goal: generational wealth and freedom.
KOBK is equipped to meet the needs of any audience, organization, team, or classroom. He will uplift and encourage your audience and provide them with clear, concise steps that are necessary for success along the way in trading, entrepreneurship, and coaching with real world examples and experiences to share.

Over 90% of financial literacy is mindset. From trading in the market to a simple budget sheet, mindset is a skill that must be mastered in order to see tangible change.
In this masterclass, KOBK uncovers the tips and strategies to defeat a poor mindset. Using strategies from award winning books like Rich Dad Poor Dad and a compilation of notes from his millionaire mentors, KOBK is equipped to take any mindset to the next level! The bottom is way too crowded. Let's Go!

1M TO $1M
Taking dominion added with the multiplication of all things is at the heart of KOBK and his wife, Jasmine, even in the marketplace. There is a sincere goal of turning one million families into millionaires.
Part challenge and part life goal, KOBK and his wife trade with others to empower, encourage, and uplift them wholly. Life is not just about trading. Trading is a vehicle that promotes financial freedom and opportunity for multiplication.
KOBK and Jasmine both believe that in order to see true, authentic change, traders should be strong mentally and emotionally as the strategies taught in class. Once that happens, a ripple effect dominates the lives of every member within the house, causing great effect and change within communities across the world.
One family at a time.
One dollar earned at once.

In this masterclass, students learn to differentiate the similarities and differences of the foreign exchange market, the stock market, and binary options.
It used to be that trading in the markets required large sums of money to get started, not including getting educated and trained on a solid strategy.
Now, KOBK takes beginners step-by-step on how to get started trading binary options with as little as $5. Partnered with a solid compounding plan, lives can be changed at a very low cost. What would take novice traders hours of research to discover, KOBK lays it out in a simple process from start to finish.